Sales Representative


Jaivik is a seasoned Realtor with a number of successful closings up his sleeves. He goes above and beyond to ensure that every client finds their dream home and starts a new life with happiness. Jaivik's dedication and commitment extend beyond the transaction itself. He takes the time to understand the emotional significance of finding a home and starting a new life. With genuine care and compassion, he guides his clients through the process, offering support and guidance every step of the way. For every query, concern or confusion about Canadian Real Estate, Jaivik is the Realtor you can trust with the best solutions, knowledge, and advice. He would be more than glad to help you sail the uncharted waters of home-buying and selling as smoothly as possible under his guidance.

team image

five Questions

How do you spend your leisure time?


Your Favorite Cuisine?


A Favorite Quote That Inspires You?

The Best Investment on Earth is Earth

Your best skill?

Communication, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

Three – five words to describe yourself ?

Pro-Active, Energetic, Result-oriented, Thorough

The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos identify professional services rendered by REALTOR® members of CREA to effect the purchase, sale and lease of real estate as part of a cooperative selling system.