

It’s the dawn of a new day in real estate! Deanna offers a strong professional background in customer relations and sales, combined with extensive credentials in mortgage financing, insurance, and real estate negotiation. It’s a win-win for buyers and sellers seeking the brightest, most comprehensive strategies for acquiring or liquidating residential property today. Deanna’s first-hand knowledge of the local marketplace further enhances her ability to skillfully manage every transaction for her clients' benefit. As a proud 5th generation resident of Durham Region, Deanna has a keen awareness of the changing landscape of the Whitby, Oshawa, and Clarington economies and recognizes the incredible opportunities available for savvy buyers and sellers. Deanna strives to deliver the latest market trends and forecasting to all of her clients, keeping them ahead of the curve when making a move. Inspired by home décor, design, and technology, Deanna customizes her marketing program to suit each of her client’s individual needs. Her mandate is to build relationships with her clients for a lifetime of service and is dedicated to helping them achieve their real estate dreams. Deanna is an attentive and reliable resource through every phase of home ownership, from first-time purchases to estate acquisitions, from condominiums to cottages. Her enthusiasm and sunny disposition make her an indispensable asset to all who work with her. Call Deanna Sundberg and let your next move shine!

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five Questions

How do you spend your leisure time?

Quality time with my family, friends, and pets

Your Favorite Cuisine?


A Favorite Quote That Inspires You?

“You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” - Zig Ziglar

Three – five words to describe yourself ?

Outgoing, leader, driven, good communicator, knowledgable

Your best skill?

Building Trust / Rapport

The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos identify professional services rendered by REALTOR® members of CREA to effect the purchase, sale and lease of real estate as part of a cooperative selling system.